Our most popular trip, featuring four days and three nights along the Wild and Scenic Rogue River.

Day 1:  We meet at the Galice Resort at 9 AM, pack our dry bags, and drive three miles to our put-in at Almeda Bar.

As the guides secure all of the equipment onto the rafts, the head guide delivers a safety talk, letting everyone know what to expect, what to do, and what not to do over the next four days.  Another guide will demonstrate how to operate the inflatable kayaks. Then everyone chooses a spot in a boat and our Rogue River raftingadventure begins!

We float a few miles before coming to Grave Creek, which is heralded by a high bridge over the river. Grave Creek marks the beginning of the Wild and Scenic Section of the Rogue. Shortly after passing under the bridge we encounter our most fun whitewater so far, Upper and Lower Grave Creek Rapids.

We pull over just above the famous Rainey Falls. We usually 'scout' the Falls, which offers three possible runs: the main falls, the middle chute, and the fish ladder. While the main falls is fun to look at, we never take rafts down it. We run either the middle chute or the fish ladder, both of which offer a thrilling ride.

We hit camp early this first day, to give folks a chance to set up their tents, relax, get to know each other and perhaps play in the water. Hors d'oeuvre are served around 6 PM, and dinner around 7 PM. At dinner the lead guide will talk about the next day.

Day 2: Breakfast is served around 8 AM, after which we pack everything up and get ready for another day of fun, beauty and excitement. We are on the water around 9:30 and have several fun rapids through the day, including WildcatSlim PickensUpper and Lower Black Bar Falls, and Telephone Pole Hole. We arrive in camp a bit later today, but still have time to relax, swim, visit or read before hors d'oeuvre and dinner.

Day 3:  This is the big whitewater day. After running several smaller rapids we stop for lunch at the Rogue River Ranch, an old homestead and ranch that has been preserved by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. It has acres of green grass, a wonderful garden, and a museum very much worth visiting. If time permits we play in the beautiful swimming hole on Mule Creek.

After lunch we tackle Mule Creek Canyon, one of the longest rapids in the country. Here the river enters a canyon that in places is no more than 20 feet wide and with vertical rock walls on both sides. The water is fast and the waves are huge and continuous throughout the canyon, which is most challenging for the kayaks. At the end of the canyon we regroup at the waterfall created by Stair Creek tumbling into the Rogue.

Next comes Blossom Bar, the most challenging rapid on the Rogue. Blossom Bar is a series of huge rocks that we have to pick our way through.  Boats that don't make it can be stuck for a good part of the day in a series of rocks called the Picket Fence. We always stop and scout the rapid, in part to make sure that no boats are stuck or blocking our route. The top part is the hardest, but you can't relax once through that section because it's a long rapid.

Blossom Bar is followed quickly by Staircase, which is refreshing in its simplicity. Then it is smooth floating until camp. We usually hit camp a bit later but feeling great after an action-packed day on the river.

Day 4:  This is an easy day on the river.  If you haven't tried a kayak yet, this is your chance.  After our last lunch at Flora Dell, where there is a beautiful waterfall and a great jumping rock, we head downstream.

We reach take-out at Foster Bar around 2 PM.  After changing clothes and locating all of your gear, we get into vans for the two-hour ride back to Galice and your cars.  The drive takes us from almost sea level to over 4,000 feet in elevation. Once back at Galice you can head for home or spend another lovely night in the area.